

Borderline Extra 342 vom 23/09/2005

zusammengestellt und moderiert von Dirk Liese


Current 93 / Nurse With Wound





Album (Label)



Curent 93

Time Tryeth Truth1


Judas As Black Moth (Castle / Sanctuary 2005)

Nurse With Wound

Optical Illusion Pad2


Livin’ Fear Of James Last (Castle / Sanctuary 2005)

Nurse With Wound

Yagga Blues3


Livin’ Fear Of James Last (Castle / Sanctuary 2005)

Nurse With Wound

Two Shaves And A Shine (Edit)4


Livin’ Fear Of James Last (Castle / Sanctuary 2005)

Nurse With Wound

Rock´n´Roll Station (Edit)5


Livin’ Fear Of James Last (Castle / Sanctuary 2005)

Nurse With Wound

The Six Buttons Of Sex Appeal (Edit)6


Livin’ Fear Of James Last (Castle / Sanctuary 2005)

Nurse With Wound

The Strange Play Of The Mouth (Edit)7


Livin’ Fear Of James Last (Castle / Sanctuary 2005)

Curent 93

Oh Coal Black Smith8


Judas As Black Moth (Castle / Sanctuary 2005)

Curent 93

They Return To Their Earth9


Judas As Black Moth (Castle / Sanctuary 2005)

Curent 93

So: This Empire Is Nothing10


Judas As Black Moth (Castle / Sanctuary 2005)

Curent 93

Lucifer Over London11


Judas As Black Moth (Castle / Sanctuary 2005)

Curent 93

The Bloodbells Chime12


Judas As Black Moth (Castle / Sanctuary 2005)

Curent 93

All The Pretty Little Horses13


Judas As Black Moth (Castle / Sanctuary 2005)

Curent 93

Whilst The Night Rejoices Profound And Still14


Judas As Black Moth (Castle / Sanctuary 2005)

Curent 93

Red Hawthorn Tree15


Judas As Black Moth (Castle / Sanctuary 2005)


1originally released on the Current 93 album “Earth Covers Earth” in 1988

2originally released on the Nurse With Wound album “Second Pirate Session” in 1997

3originally released on the Nurse With Wound album “Who Can I Turn To Stereo” in 1996

4originally released on the Nurse With Wound album “An Awkward Pause” in 2000

5originally released on the Nurse With Wound album “Rock´n´Roll Station” in 1994

6originally released on the Nurse With Wound album “Chance Meeting On A Dissecting Table Of A Sewing Machine And An Umbrella” in 1979

7originally released on the Nurse With Wound album “Automating Vo. 2” in 1982

8originally released on the Current 93 album “Swastikas For Noddy” in 1988

9originally released on the Current 93 album “Thunder Perfect Mind” in 1992

10originally released on the Current 93 album “Of Ruine Or Some Blazing Starre” in 1994

11originally released on the Current 93 ep “Lucifer Over London” in 1994

12originally released on the Current 93 album “All The Pretty Little Horses” in 1996

13originally released on the Current 93 album “All The Pretty Little Horses” in 1996

14originally released on the Current 93 album “Soft Black Stars” in 1998

15originally released on the Current 93 album “Sleep Has His House” in 2000




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